The Issues that Matter to You!

Improved Public Transportation

Expanded Hours:

One of the key priorities of our campaign is to advocate for expanded transportation hours in North High Point. We understand that transportation needs are not limited to traditional 9-to-5 schedules, and many residents require access to reliable transportation during evenings and weekends. By extending the operating hours of public transportation services, we can ensure that people can commute to work, attend appointments, and engage in recreational activities without being hindered by limited transportation options.


Micro Transit:

Another crucial aspect of our campaign is the implementation of micro transit services in North High Point. Micro transit refers to on-demand, flexible transportation options that are tailored to meet the specific needs of smaller communities or areas with lower population densities. By introducing micro transit services, we can provide residents of North High Point with convenient transportation solutions that are more responsive to their individual travel requirements. This can include ridesharing services, shuttle vans, or even small-scale bus routes that operate based on real-time demand.

Our Plan for Expanding High Point Transit. 

Special Shift Routes

For Employers in the Industrial Corridor:

We recognize the significance of the industrial corridor in North High Point and its contribution to the local economy. To support employers and enhance transportation accessibility for the workforce in this area, our campaign aims to establish special routes dedicated to serving the industrial corridor. These routes would be designed to cater specifically to the transportation needs of employees, ensuring efficient and reliable connectivity between residential areas and workplaces. This targeted approach can alleviate congestion, reduce commuting times, and boost productivity for businesses in the industrial corridor.


Integration with Existing Transportation Networks:

It is essential to ensure that any expansion of transportation services in North High Point is integrated seamlessly with existing public transportation networks. Our campaign emphasizes the need for collaboration and coordination among different transportation providers to create a cohesive and efficient system. By establishing partnerships and fostering communication between bus services, micro transit providers, and other transportation stakeholders, we can maximize the benefits of expanded transportation and provide residents with a comprehensive network that connects them to the broader region.


Community Engagement and Feedback:

As part of our campaign, we strongly believe in involving the community and incorporating their feedback in the decision-making process. We pledge to actively engage with residents, community organizations, and local businesses to understand their transportation needs and concerns. By incorporating diverse perspectives and ensuring transparent communication, we can develop transportation solutions that truly address the requirements of North High Point's residents, promoting inclusivity and accessibility for all.

Public Safety

We support law enforcement and and work with them to protect the citizens of High Point. 

As a member of Finance Committee, I support compensation competitiveness for our force and continued investment in much needed equipment to support our police department.


Please see our report to show the great work HPPD is doing. 

Annual Report: High Point Police Report

Support for our Seniors

Two pillars of our community Mrs. Dot Kearns and Mrs. Mary Lou Blakeney at the marking of the February 11th Civil Rights marker. 

As we progress as a society, it is crucial that we do not leave behind our senior citizens, who have contributed immensely to our communities and deserve our respect and care.

Public Awareness and Education:  

We will launch a comprehensive public awareness campaign to educate the community about the challenges faced by senior citizens and the importance of respecting and honoring them. This campaign will include workshops, seminars, and community events that highlight the contributions and accomplishments of our elderly population.

Encouraging Intergenerational Activities:

We will promote intergenerational activities that bring together senior citizens and younger generations. By fostering relationships and understanding between different age groups, we can break down stereotypes and build a stronger, more compassionate community.

Supporting Elderly Caregivers:

Many seniors rely on the support of family members or caregivers. We will advocate for increased support and resources for these individuals, including caregiver training programs, respite care services, and financial assistance. Recognizing and appreciating their vital role in providing care for our senior citizens is crucial.



Economic Development

We have seen unprecedented economic growth in Ward 6. We are excited about the new restaurants, manufacturing and retail stores bringing jobs to North High Point. 

THRIVE High Point Minority Business Incubator. 

Full report of Ward 6 Economic Development. 

Palladium South: Coming Soon!

Supporting our Schools and Teachers

  • Mentorship Programs
  • Entrepreneur Academy at SWGH
  • Encourage Civic Engagement and Voting
  • Support vocational education and apprenticeships
  • Advocate for teacher compensation

Expanding resources for vulnerable populations. 

Turner's Chapel A.M.E Church Soup Kitchen

Accessible healthcare:

Expanding Medicaid programs, increasing funding for community health centers, and promoting preventive care.

Mental health support: 

Increase funding for mental health clinics and services, provide training for mental health professionals to address the needs of diverse populations, and reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

Combat Food Insecurity:

Urban agriculture, food co-opts and expansion of community gardens.

Workforce Development:

Creating incentives for businesses to hire individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, offering vocational training programs, and supporting entrepreneurship initiatives within these communities. Expanding or creating adult apprenticeships with the City of High Point. Working with our K-12, Community College and University System to focus on "ready to work" skills. 

Transparency and Availability

I have conducted 3 Town Hall events post Covid and 1 virtual Town Hall during. In my second term, I will hold 2 town halls per year.

I am always and will continue to be direct and honest about what is happening in our city. I can be reached be email or phone. I am here to serve.


Affordable Housing

As Ward 6 continues to grow, I will support policies that encourage housing development, reasonable density and affordable housing for our new residents. 

I will support  housing that increases our housing stock within the framework of livability and walkability. We seek partnerships with developers who share these goals of a walkable city. 

I will also strive to protect neighborhoods from corporate rental purchases that cause imbalance in rental market prices.